Darkshore Pet Farming Guide – Horde

There are a total of eight battle pets that can be gained from killing rares when the Horde has control over Darkshore. Each of the following rares give you one chance per event cycle, to acquire a unique Battle Pet. For our Alliance readers we have also made an Alliance farming map for your convenience.

1) Grimhorn

Grimhorn can be found standing over the mortally wounded Croz Bloodrage, defeat him for you chance to get a Flying Battle Pet: Nightwreathed Watcher.

2) Hydrath

Some people struggle with avoiding this Elemental Goliath’s mass AoE attack. Here’s a little trick, try fighting him under water. If he is kept on the surface, his AoE attacks can be appear on the water’s surface as well as on the surrounding land. By bringing him below the surface his AoEs will only appear on the ground beneath the water. With high enough Dps, you will be able to avoid drowning, just remember to take a breath before diving down to loot his corps. Who knows you might get lucky and find a Bottle Essence of Hydrath, which contains an Elemental Battle Pet: Hydrath Droplet.

3) Cyclarus

Cyclarus, is another Elemental Goliath that can be found in Darkshore. It can be a hard fight to try and solo, so it would be best to take it on with some back up. When defeated, it can drop a Binding of Cyclarus, which grants you the Elemental Battle Pet: Gust of Cyclarus.

4) Conflagros

The Fire Goliath of the area, Conflagros is worshiped like a god and fed sacrifices. By defeating it, you have a chance of getting your hands on the remains of one of its recent victims. These Rattling Bones give you an Undead Battle Pet: Detective Ray.

5) Athil Dewfire

Defeat this Nightsaber riding Nigthelf for your chance to get a Flying Battle Pet: Darkshore Sentinel.

6) Twilight Prophet Graeme

Graeme is a fanatical Twilight Cultist. In killing him, you may find a Magical Battle Pet: Zur’aj the Depleted.

7) Soggoth the Slitherer

Fighting Soggoth the Slitherer, can be challanging. It creates a AoE under your feet that persists for a while. If you fail to get out of it in time, it can cause you a lot of damage, and getting yourself cornered is no fun either. A trick we like to use, that avoids the mobs, is to pull it up on top of the hill behind him, and just step to the side to avoid the damaging effects. When you defeat it, search its body for some Squishy Purple Goo. If you manage to find some, it becomes a Magic Battle Pet: Void Jelly.

8 ) Onu

This Ancient of Lore can be found in the Grove of the Ancients. When you defeat it, there is a chance that it will drop an Elemental Battle Pet: Everburning Treant.

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