There are a total of 40 known rares scattered all throughout Nazjatar. But unlike how the rares are found in our Darkshore and Arathi Highlands guides, rares in Nazjatar are much harder to efficiently farm. In this article, not only will we be covering the locations that all of the rares can be found in and what they can drop; we will also be explaining how to reach the hidden ones that are tucked away and not out in the open, as well as how to trigger the summoned rares.
To begin, the rares of Nazjatar are broken up into 3 main groups:
- The Fixed Location Rares
- The Wandering Rares
- The Summoned/Triggered Rares
Each rare appears to share a global cooldown spawn rate with the rest of the members of their group, and each group also appears to have their own global spawn counter. Meaning that each rare could be randomly selected from the list of rares for their group. Once a rare has spawned, it appears as though the cooldown is reset and a different rare is selected to be spawned next.
We say this because we have personally seen first hand, where several rares (fixed and wandering) have been found within the same area at the same time, and yet its near on impossible to predict when a specific rare will spawn in. We tried camping out at a various spots that are fixed locations for rares to appear, and found that the time it takes between spawns could vary wildly, sometimes it could be as low as 30 mins, other times it could be up to 1 or 2 hours longer.
The only rares that we know for sure, that can have a predictable encounter rate, are some of the summoned/triggered rares. Some of these rares require a specific item to be brought to a set location, or even a particular creature to be killed in front of the dormant rare. Either way, the spawning of these rares are triggered by the player and not left to some sort of timer. So long as you have the required trigger on hand, you will be able to spawn those rares when you are ready.
Fixed Location Rares

As we mentioned earlier on, fixed location rares appear to share a global cooldown, this means that while some people have found the respawn rate to be relatively quick, others have found themselves with a lengthy wait on their hands. Our advice would be to keep an eye open for them as you pass through the area, or to make sure that you complete any world quests that may be assigned to them. Hunting them down becomes a lot easier once you’ve unlocked your flying mounts. Please read our Exploration Article if you need to find the locations in order to complete the Pathfinder achievements
1) Blindlight
The entrance to Darkwater Cavern can be found on the north-western side of the the Spears of Azshara. Inside this cave system, you will find pesky murlocs that need to be pulled/kited out of range of their undying sphere as it prevents them from being killed.
Once you’ve made your way to the back end of Darkwater Cavern, you will find this necromancer murloc being flanked by skeleton bodyguards.
Defeat him, and there’s a chance that he will drop you a Necrofin Tadpole battle pet.
2) Caverndark Terror
The entrance to Chitterspine Grotto cave system can be found near along the northern edge of Chitterspine cavern. Before you enter the cave, make sure to grab the Deeplight Torch that’s near the entrance as there are lots of crab mobs inside, and this torch will fear them away.
Making your way around to the back end of the Chitterspine Grotto, you will find a small, yet deep pool of water that the Caverndark Terror is sleeping at the bottom of.
Bring it to the surface and defeat it for a chance for it to drop the Caverndark Nightmare battle pet.
3) Chasm-Haunter
In the south eastern area of Spears of Azshara there is a deep body of water that is near a broken shipwreck. Make your way towards the waterfall and dive down to find the entrance to The Forgotten Tunnel.
As you come up for air, you’ll find the cave home to several eels, as well as the rare eel Chasm-Haunter.
The Chasm-Haunter doesn’t appear to drop any unique items.
4) Elderspawn Nalaada
This rare eel can be found along the eastern edge of the Spears of Azshara. Elderspawn Nalaada can be surrounded by multiple fathom rays, so you may need to take care of them first.
Should you defeat Elderspawn Nalaada, there is a chance that it will drop the Spawn of Nalaada battle pet.
5) Elder Unu
Sitting in a small ruined building onto one of a hill in Kal’methir Citadel, Elder Unu awaits. You may need to clear the area of other makrura, as the Kil’karrok Hammerclaw are capable of stunning you, which could lead a quick death for you.
Elder Unu doesn’t appear to drop any unique items.
6) Prince Vortran
This rare wind revenant can be found at around the center of Spears of Azshara. When it spawns in, it may be surrounded by other mods that you many need to clear out first.
Upon defeating him Prince Vortran has a chance to drop the Stormwrath battle pet.
7) Shassera
The entrance to Shassera’s Lair can be found along the northern edge of the map in Shirakess Repository. Proceed to the back end of the of the cave system to find this rare shadow serpent awaiting you. Be warned, Shassera hits hard and it is not recommend for those of use who a squishing or lacking in self heals to try and solo.
Should you manage to defeat this beast, there is a chance for it to drop the Shadescale toy.
8) Siltstalker the Packmother
Siltstalker can be found laying downing on the stoop of a ruined building in the southern area of Nar’anan. Killing this rare snapdragon, acts as a trigger for the chance to have her mate, Banescale the Packfather, spawn in to avenge her
Siltstalker the Packmother doesn’t appear to drop any unique items.
9) Scale Matriarch Gratinax
One of three hydra rares that can be found in Ashen Strand. Only one of these matriarchs will spawn at a time, so if Gratinax has not spawned in, try looking for the other two scale matriarchs.
Defeating Scale Matriarch Gratinax, has a chance for her to drop the Scalebrood Hydra battle pet.
10) Scale Matriarch Vynara
One of three hydra rares that can be found in Ashen Strand. Only one of these matriarchs will spawn at a time, so if Vynara has not spawned in, try looking for the other two scale matriarchs.
Defeating Scale Matriarch Vynara, has a chance for her to drop the Scalebrood Hydra battle pet.
11) Scale Matriarch Zodia
One of three hydra rares that can be found in Ashen Strand. Only one of these matriarchs will spawn at a time, so if Zodia has not spawned in, try looking for the other two scale matriarchs.
Defeating Scale Matriarch Zodia, has a chance for her to drop the Scalebrood Hydra battle pet.
12) Alga the Eyeless
This is a particularly sneaky rare makrura. Alga the Eyeless can be found waiting in stealth with a gang of makrura waiting to ambush you. Be ready for a grinding fight, as Alga the Eyeless has a rather large health pool.
It doesn’t appear as though Alga the Eyeless drops any unique items.
13) Prince Typhonus
Situated between the two ships that the Horde and Alliance arrived in the area aboard, this is not a revenant to be taken lightly. Not only is it being protected by its fellow elementals, but it also has a devastating arch attack that can leave everyone in front of it rooted in place for up to 15 seconds.
Defeating Princess Typhonus, has a chance for it to drop the Seafury battle pet.
Wandering Rares

Arguably the hardest rares to pin down. Some of these rare have only a few locations in which they spawn, others on the other hand are much harder to track. A few of these rares can be found at any location within a specific area. Or they could spawn anywhere and everywhere across Nazjatar.
1) Amethyst Spireshell
Amethyst Spireshell is one of those rares that can be found all throughout Nazjatar. When trying to locate this rare snail, all we can advise is for you to check every flat surface around the area that your mini map is indicating, and we mean every flat surface. Amethyst Spireshell, likes to spawn on horizontal surfaces, this includes roads, inside caves, or even on high overhanging rocks. If it’s flat there’s a chance, Amethyst Spireshell can be found on it.
If you are luck enough to come across Amethyst Spireshell, there is a chance that it will drop the Amethyst Softshell battle pet.
2) Daggertooth Terror
There are seven different bodies of water that Daggertooth could spawn in. While traveling around Nazjatar, make sure to check out these streams and ponds for this rare piranha.
Defeating the Daggertooth Terror has a change of it dropping the Daggertooth Frenzy battle pet.
3) Mirecrawler
Mirecrawler is another one of those rares that can be found all throughout Nazjatar. When trying to locate this rare spiked snail, all we can advise is for you to check every wall around the area that your mini map is indicating, and we mean every wall. Mirecrawler, likes to spawn on vertical surfaces, this includes ruins, cave walls, or even pillars. If it’s vertical there’s a chance that Mirecrawler can be found on it.
If you’re luck enough to come across Mirecralwer, there is a chance that it will drop the Wriggler battle pet.
4) Needlespine
This rare spider crab can be found bathing in one of four different bodies of water in the northern areas of Nazjatar.
Should you defeat Needlespine, there is a chance that it could drop the Chitterspine Devourer battle pet.
5) Sandclaw Stoneshell
Not only can this rare crab spawn in as many as thirteen different locations, Sandclaw can also be found in many different colors as well, which gives it an additional appeal for the avid hunter to collect.
Upon defeating Sandclaw Stoneshell, it could drop the Glittering Diamondshell battle pet.
6) Deepglider
This rare fathom ray wanders around throughout the Coral Forest. If you find it in a less then ideal location to fight it, try following it for a bit until it arrives in a better spot for you engage it.
It doesn’t appear as though Deepglider drops any unique items.
7) Shiz’narasz the Consumer
A particularly nasty worm this one. It can be found along the edges of the pool of water in Chitterspine Caverns. When confronting this rare, you’ll need to make a choice, do you take the brunt of its attacks on the shoreline, or do you mitigate the damage by fighting Shiz’narasz the Consumer in the water, where you’re more open to attack from other creatures.
Surviving this encounter doesn’t appear to reward any unique items.
8) Garnetscale
There are at least four bodies of water in Ashen Strand that this rare turtle can be found in. As you make your way through the area, keep an eye out for a turtle soaking it up in a pool of water.
Yet another rare that does not appear to drop any unique items.
9) Iridescent Glimmershell
Iridescent Glimmershell is a rare giant hermit crab that shares its spawn locations with the Glimmershell Hulks withing the Dragon’s Teeth basin. While technically not a summoned rare, if you cant find it this one, you’ll need to kill off all of the Glimmershell Hulks until one of them spawns in as Iridescent Glimmershell.
If you defeat a Iridescent Glimmershell, it can drop the Pearlescent Glimmershell battle pet.
10) Soundless
The most highly sort after rare in Nazjatar. This rare fathom ray, has a terribly poor spawn rate. When it does spawn in, it can be found flying around the upper coral formations of the Coral Forest. Reaching Soundless without a flying mount is quite difficult, and the two main ways that people have managed to reach the top of the coral formations, is by jumping off of the nearby mountain ridges and using a glider to land on top of the forest, or by using Deepcoral Pods to jump their way on top.
As rare as Soundless is to spawn in, the drop rate for the Silent Glider mount is even worse.
11) Toxigore the Alpha
This rare snapdragon can be found in three locations that are close to one another in Nar’anan.
Like so many other rare in Nazjatar, Toxigore the Alpha, does not have any unique items to drop.
12) Allseer Oma’kil
This rare Makrura can be randomly found standing along edge of the river in Zin-Azshari, on the eastern side of Nazjatar.
Allseer Oma’kil does not appear to drop any unique rares.
Summoned Rares

These rares tend to be a little more predictable to spawn in. There are a few that are completely random, only spawning in occasionally in response to the players actions. But the majority of these spawns can be summoned by the player at will, as long as they have the appropriate triggers prepared.
1) Avarius
In the further most north-western corner of Nazjatar, you can find Brinestone Cove near the edge of the pool of water in Chitterspine Caverns. If you have the Brinestone Pickaxe, you can summon Avarius by firstly mining the brimestone deposite that’s in the center of a stone circle.
Once mined, the pickaxe will be removed from your inventory and the message “Brinestone deposits begin to form within the cove” will appear in your chat window. Find the hiden brinestone deposits within the cave and mine them for the five shards that are needed to summon Avarius.
- Violet Brinestone Shard
- Fiery Brinestone Shard
- Jade Brinestone Shard
- Azure Brinestone Shard
- Amber Brinestone Shard
As soon as you have all five, take them to the stone pillers that for the circle and place them onto. When the last shard has been placed, you will be able to fight Avarius.
Defeat this rare Earth elemental, and there is a chance that it will drop a Brinestone Algan battle pet
2) Banescale the Packfather
This rare snapdragon will randomly appear after Siltstalker the Packmother has been defeated. Siltstalker can be killed by anyone in the area for it to trigger Banescale the Packfather’s summing.
Like Siltstalker the Packmother, Banescale does not appear to drop any unique items, but taming the pair could make them a worthwhile venture for an avid hunter to collect.
3) Carnivorous Lasher
If you find a Germinating Seed, take it to the path of fertile soil within the Coral Forest. Upon planting the seed, a lasher will sprout. Capture 10 x Bloated Seaflies and feed them to the lasher. After eating the 10th seaflie, the lasher will begin to crave your flesh and will burst forth to attack you.
You can control what additional items the Carnivorous Lasher drops by feeding it special Seaflies:
- Germinating Seafly = Zin’anthid
- Golden Seafly = Gold
- Radiant Seafly = Azerite
In addition to the above mentioned drops, there is a chance foe the Carnivorous Lasher to also drop Coral Lashling battle pet.
4) King Gakula
Beware those who dare to scare tadpole murlocs. Within the Bloodfin Village you can find Bloodfin Tadpoles minding their own business. Right clicking on them will cause them to run away from you, and places the Anger of the Bloodfin debuff upon you.
The debuff will cause all nearby murlocs to focus their attacks on you, with even more murlocs continually to spawning in. Avoid this debuff if you need to interact will any NPCs within the village, as it can cause them to ignore you while the debuff is active.
When a total of 20-30 Bloodfin Tadpoles have been frightened by any play, King Gakula will yell out a warning. On his fourth warning, he will spawn in and attack the player(s) in the village.
Watch what he is saying to determine how far away he is from spawning in:
- King Gakula yells: Mgrlgl? Gmrgurgl?
- King Gakula yells: Murrrglurg? Murgglugrg!
- King Gakula yells: Mrrglgl! Murgglagk!
- King Gakula yells: Gak! Mugllglgll Gak!
Successfuly summon and defeat King Gakula, and he may drop you a Murgle battle pet.
5) Rockweed Shambler
Rockweed Shambler is one of the hardest rares to summon. The process is nothing difficult as all that it takes is for you to kill off the normal Algan mods that can be found throughout Nazjatar. What makes it difficult to summon this Earthen Elemental, is that the spawn rate is rather low, and it could appear after any normal Algan has been defeated.
In other words, you could kill 50 of them and never have it spawn in on you, while someone else on the other side of the map kills their first Algan, just to have it spawn on top of them.
Be lucky enough to cause Rockweed Shambler to spawn in, and it could drop the Budding Algan battle pet when defeated.
6) Sandcastle
Sandcastle likes to attack greedy treasure hunters. By using a Scrying Stone to find glimmering chest anywhere in Nazjatar, there is a small chance that Sandcastle will attack you for opening the chests you find. We have found a higher success rate for ourselves in the Zin-Azshari and the Drowned Market areas.
Deafeat the sand elemental and it might drop the Sandkeep battle pet.
7) Tidelord Aquatus
Summing Tidelord Aquatus is tied to defeating the three Azsh’ari Invokers that are performing a ritual around a pool of water. By killing these naga witches, a water revenant will spawn in within the pool of water. There is a chance that this revenant will spawn in as Tidelord Aquatus. If not, kill the revenant and wait for the Azsh’ari Invokers to spawn in again, and rinse and repeat until Tidelord Aqatus appears.
None of the Tidelords appear to drop any unique items.
8) Tidelord Dispersius
Like Tidelord Aquatus, Tidelord Dispersius is summoned by defeating the three Azsh’ari Invokers that are performing a ritual around a different pool of water. Killing these naga witches, will spawn in a water revenant which also has a chance of spawning in as Tidelord Dispersius. Keep killing the revenants and Azsh’ari Invokers until Tidelord Dispersius appears.
None of the Tidelords appear to drop any unique items.
9) Tidemistress Leth’sindra
While inside the zoatroid hatchery area of the Deepcoil Tunnels, you can summon this rare naga, by destroying enough of the intractable Undisturbed Specimens that are hidden among the zoatroid eggs to get her attention.
Tidemistress Leth’sindra can be made to drop the Shirakess Warning Sign toy when defeated.
10) Vor’koth
When you find Chum, throw it into the Eel-infested pool. This will cause Skittering Eels to spawn, and when they are killed, they will drop more even more chum. Keep throwing the chum you’ve looted from their corpses back into the water, and eventually this rare worm will be spawned in.
Defeat Vor’koth for your chance to get your hands on the Skittering Eel battle pet.
11) Anemonar
Anemonar is one of four Ancient Corals that are generally non-intractable. Until you anger them they will ignore your presence completely. Anemonar can be found in the Coral Forest, and is on not a solo mission. It would be advisable for you to have a healer and someone with an interrupt ability in your party. Trust us its just easier this way.
In order to anger Anemonar you will need to kite a Colossal Sky Ray over to him and kill it right next to him. Most people kite over the Colossal Sky Ray just north of Newhome, but any Colossal Sky Ray will work just fine.
Killing the ray will awaken Amemonar who will immediately begin to attack you are your party. Watch for his Coral Growth ability as it will heal him, so interrupt this ability as much as possible.
Defeating Anemonar has a chance of them dropping an Ancient Reefwalker Bark. These items can be traded in once a week to give all of your bodyguards 100 experience points, and 350 Ankoan/Unshackled reputation points for yourself.
12) Kelpwillow
Kelpwillow is one of four Ancient Corals that are generally non-intractable. Until you anger them they will ignore your presence completely. Kelpwillow can be found in the Spears of Azshara region, just south of Thoras’tal Spire. Kelpwillow is an easy enough to anger Ancient Coral as they appear to hate Muck Slugs. It would be advisable for you to have an interrupt ability in your party, trust us its just easier this way.
The process to anger Kelpwillow is quite a simple one really, just use a Primatic Crystal to charm a Muck Slug Critter (must be a critter and not a battle pet) and guide it over to Kelpwillow’s foot, and your done. Be sure to interrupt the Coral Growth ability as it will heal Kelpwillow.
Defeating Kelpwillow has a chance of them dropping an Ancient Reefwalker Bark. These items can be traded in once a week to give all of your bodyguards 100 experience points, and 350 Ankoan/Unshackled reputation points for yourself.
13) Oronu
In the Highborne Estates along the northern edge of the map near the water wall, Oronu can be found standing guard at location 13b. He is one of four Ancient Corals that will ignore you until you anger them. To anger Oronu, all you need is a Drowned Hatchling pet. If you don’t have one, you can purchase them off of Feylana the Handler (located at 13a) in the Drowned Market, for 40 Prismatic Manapearls.
To anger him, all you need to do is summon this undead pet, and he will become so angered at the loss of a young life that he will attack you and/or your party. Be mindful of his Coral Growth ability as it will heal him and would be best to interrupt it.
Defeating Oronu has a chance of them dropping an Ancient Reefwalker Bark. These items can be traded in once a week to give all of your bodyguards 100 experience points, and 350 Ankoan/Unshackled reputation points for yourself.
14) Urduu
Urduu is the last of the four Ancient Corals that stand in silent watch over Nazjatar. He can be found next to the Bloodfin Village, and not far from the Alathir Spire. Like Anemonar, Urduu requires a specific creature to be kited to him, and killed at his feet.
In this case, Urduu is angered when you kill a Staghorn Reefwalker right in front of him. He needs to see this Reefwalker die in front of him, some people find that if the Reefwalker dies too quickly, it doesn’t always work, so take your time with them just in case. Once angered watch for his Coral Growth ability, and don’t let him heal with it.
Defeating Urduu has a chance of them dropping an Ancient Reefwalker Bark. These items can be traded in once a week to give all of your bodyguards 100 experience points, and 350 Ankoan/Unshackled reputation points for yourself.
15) Voice in the Deeps
To summon this zoatroid rare, you will need to set it free by riding a Molted Shell into the rubble that has it trapped. Molted Shells are be picked up from various locations throughout Kal’methir.
Be warned, this is not a rare that you’d want to take on your own, even if you can heal through the damage. It has a health pool that is a whopping 8 million+ Hp, and it also hits very hard, so bring some friends along just in case.
Succeed in defeating this rare, and you will be granted the buff – Silencer. Which makes all Kil’karrok makrura neutral to you for 1 hour. This isn’t much of a buff, but should you have it on while using a Scrying Stone, you will be less likely to be interrupted while you hunt for treasure chests in the area.
Happy Hunting 🙂