The latest patch 8.2, the Rise of Azshara, has just been released on the June 25th. This update brings with it a new and exciting zone for both factions to explore and fight over. Those of us who are of level 120, and have completed the faction specific quest “Uniting Kul Tiras” or “Uniting Zandalar,” we will receive a popup quest from Genn Greymane or Nathanos Blightcaller. Upon accepting this quest, you will find this NPC aboard your faction’s warship. Follow the prompts, and you will trigger the below cinematic.
Tensions Continue
Using a tide-stone to trap the fleets by creating a hole in the ocean, Queen Azshara will cause both factions to fall into her kingdom, and face her mighty naga army. While this new zone may be shared by both factions, and we may have a common enemy in the naga, the war will still rage on. Every three hours a world PvP event will take place. Known as The Battle for Nazjatar, this event will have both sides fighting for control over five key locations over the next 45 minutes. The faction that acquires 3,000 victory points first, will win the event. To achieve the rewarded Nazjatar Battle Commendations, you must kill at least one member of the opposing faction..
New Allies
As their vessels crashed onto Nazjatar, both factions will find themselves in different locations of the map. By exploring, these areas we will come across our new allied faction. The Alliance will meet a race of deep-sea warrior fish-folk, known as the Waveblade Ankoan. Likewise, the Horde will come across a group of resistance fighters that have managed to hold off or escape from the naga. Calling themselves the the Unshackled, their numbers include races, such as the Gilbin, Makura, and even Sea Giants.
Where is Nazjatar Located?

Even though Nazjatar is a submerged landmass, it does not appear on the world map. It looks as though Nazjatar is located between Zandalar and Kul Tiras. When viewing either of these continent’s full map, you can see the map icon for Nazjatar in the upper right corner. But when viewing Nazjatar’s map, Zandalar’s icon can be seen to the left, and Kul Tiras’ icon is to the right. This leads us to believe that Nazjatar is situated somewhere between the two continents, which matches up with the cinematic trailer. Travel to and from Nazjatar, can only be achieved via portals once one can be established. This limited method of travel, and lack of global map representation, does have the effect of making Nazjatar feel more like a zone or world instance, rather than a true continent of its own.
New Discoveries Abound

Aside from new gear and weapons, the new zone also brings with it new beasts for hunters to tame, herbs for herbalists to gather, mounts for us to ride and wild critters for us to collect and battle with. Professions have also been expanded upon, allowing us to create new items for our characters, champions, and even our mounts. Building up our reputation with our new allies can grant leather workers, tailors and enchanters the patterns for mount specific accessories.
Not only do we now have access to Nazjatar, we now also have access to a new island to the northwest of Drustvar. This new island is the location of the lost home of the Mechagnomes, Mechagon Island. This new island give us even more new enemies, a new faction ally, new pets and other collectibles and gear. The town on the island is a neutral zone for both Horde and Alliance to share, so even though the guards will aim to keep the peace, you’d best watch your back if you’re out number. You can reach the island at anytime by making your way across the water, but in order to unlock the flight path and gain access to the NPCs and daily quests; you need to complete the first stages of the story line of Nazjatar before you will be sent to Mechagon Island.
Can the Rise of Azshara Improve the Game?
While the sate of the game and its worth can be a rather subjective topic, we here at LtK are feeling very optimistic. The new gear leveling mechanics, will hopefully improve upon the somewhat lackluster feel we got when leveling our gear in BfA’s base game. Even though this update is still a far cry from the experiences we have had in classic WoW, we are still hopeful that this update will be enough to tie us over until the Legacy Serves go live at the end of August.